tisdag 23 oktober 2012

Jörgen Larsson till Fairpoint

Fairpoint Outdoors A/S has signed a consultant agreement with Jörgen Larsson ­– best described as the leading big fish expert in Scandinavia. For the latest 8 years Jörgen, who lives in Perstorp, Sweden, has been working as Editor in Chief of the Scandinavian fishing magazine Fiske-Feber, but a recent decision to start working as a freelance writer, photographer and consultant led to the cooperation with Fairpoint Outdoors. Product manager at Fairpoint, Thomas Sanotra explains: “When working with new products we sometimes ask for input from media partners, magazines and of course our own consultant and test team, Back in 2011, when we initially stated working on an Edge rod for vertical jigging, one of the obvious people to ask was Jörgen. At the time he wasn’t working as a consultant, but he came up with ideas and input that we believe made the Edge 3776 Vertical Jigging the very best rod for this type of fishing. When Jörgen decided to work freelance there was no doubt that this was a great chance to make a consultant deal that will lift our products to an even higher level.”

As an angler Jörgen has been a leading profile in Scandinavia during the last three decades, and he has caught almost anything big with scales and fins. In his younger years Jörgen played an important part of introducing modern coarse- and carp fishing in Scandinavia. He was amongst the first anglers to go trolling and to target big salmon in the Baltic Ocean and while sea angling in Norway he has done several record breaking catches. He has been working with video, television and magazines for many years and has been writing stories from all parts of the globe. This includes stories on monster sturgeon in Canada and massive Nile perch in Lake Nasser to mention a few.

Today Jörgen is still as eager and passionate about angling and fishing tackle as he was when it all started many years ago. If Jörgen has to point out one type of fishing he’s particular passionate about it will be modern predator fishing for perch, pike and zander. He has been a leading character in introducing and developing vertical jigging in Scandinavia. Particularly in Sweden this method has caused a big change in the way angler’s fish and the tackle they buy.

At first vertical jigging in Sweden was highly influenced by methods and tackle from other parts of Europe, but actually new trends and techniques for targeting the biggest zanders has evolved so fast in Sweden, that these methods will soon have a high impact on the European predator scene.
“In this context our agreement with Jörgen Larsson couldn’t have come at a better time,” says product manager Thomas Sanotra. “Jörgen is a great capacity and will assist us in being one step ahead when it comes to the latest trends in predator fishing. Our Westin predator lures and our Edge premium rods are two of the brands that Jörgen will help develop, but with his expertise into almost every kind of sport fishing it doesn’t necessarily stop with these two brands …”

To Jörgen Larsson planning and perfecting tackle and equipment has always been an important part of targeting the biggest specimens. This makes him and Fairpoint Outdoors a perfect match. He explains:
“I’m really excited about the agreement with Fairpoint Outdoors. Fairpoint is a fast expanding company working hard and putting a lot of effort into constantly perfecting and developing their range of high quality sports fishing products in various segments. Especially when it comes to predator fishing, my experience, combined with their skills in design and product development ensures that we can produce a range of exciting products to fit both the Scandinavian and European market.”

Abborre på 2,16 kilo

BB - Björn "Sportfishing News" Blomqvist fångade i söndags en rejäl abborre på flötmete med vikten 2,16 kilo. Längden var 49 cm. Höjden talar för sig själv enligt bild som BBs grabb Harald plåtade. Harald själv fick en "mindre" på 1,92 kilo. Grymt snygg abborre...

fredag 19 oktober 2012

Markoolio till ABU Garcia

Abu Garcia är stolta och mycket glada att kunna presentera ytterligare en ny samarbetspartner i ”Team Abu Garcia”, nämligen Marko Lehtosalo mera känd under artistnamnet MARKOOLIO. Marko har under de senaste året blivit en riktig sportfiskeentusiast, och efter inköp av en ny Tracker Superguidebåt samt nya fiskeutrustningar så går han ”all in” på predatorfisket. Efter ett antal testfisketurer med bland andra ”göskungarna” Håkan Fransson och Jonas Hellström, samt en lektion av gäddspecialisten Claes ”Svartzonker” Claesson så kommer han nu på allvar börja fiska av vattnen i Stockholmstrakten.
Marko kommer att blogga om sitt fiske på vår hemsida samt samarbeta kring framtida barnfiskeaktiviteter. Vi ser verkligen fram emot att samarbeta med en så populär och folkkär artist säger Olle Lidesjö försäljningschef på Abu Garcia.

”Jag tror att han påverkar många barn att prova på fiskets hemligheter”
Följ hans blogg på www.abugarcia.se

Första blogginlägget finns redan på plats och speglar en dramatisk gäddtur med ”Svartzonker”

torsdag 18 oktober 2012

Vill ha...

Sex meter lång Lundbåt, 1975 Pro V med 225 hästars Honda i aktern. Elmotorer och ekolod överallt. Plats för lika mycket till. Fyra snurrstolar. Är detta den optimala sportfiskerecern för insjö? Vi fick gös, förvisso något svårtrugad samt fina abborrar där den största var cirka1,5 kilo. Underbara dagar med väder som vi här i Sverige inte är riktigt vana vid. + 15 grader, mest sol, ingen blåst. Framför allt - inget REGN! Fiskade med guider som Willem Stolk, Robert Poelwijk, Peter Holtes och Ad van der Stel för att nämna några. Tänk om man hade en sådan här båt. Dream on...

Värsta metebåten

Fiskat i Nederländerna, strax sydväst om Rotterdam i den dämda sjön Haringvliet. Såg denna för sin storlek maxade metebåt. De äldre herrarna i båten såg ut att trivas i väntan på napp. Vädret var det ju inget större fel på...

torsdag 4 oktober 2012

Monstergädda på 19,5 kilo

Fick ett mail från Mads Grosell med texten: We just keep piling on! 131cm – 19,5kg Pike on Butch Lure! Savage Gear team member and guide, Fred Kotowski, had an incredible day today - topped by this absolute monster of 131cm and 19,5kg!!
Butch Lure 21cm in Zander color - drift and casting over big weed Bed! BAM!! What a monster –
Congratz to Fred from us at Savage Gear! Lite synd att det inte framgår var gäddan fångats, åtminstone från vilket land...

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